Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
  • Tikai tiešsaistē
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO
Skeitborda dēlis Spokey SKALLE PRO


  • 30 dienu atgriešana
  • Produktam 24 mēnešu garantija
  • Bezmaksas konsultācija
  • 30 dienu atgriešana
  • Produktam 24 mēnešu garantija
  • Bezmaksas konsultācija

78,7 cm
20 cm
Riteņu izmērs
52 x 32 mm
Riteņu cietība
92 A
Max user weight
100 kg
Wheel material
Ilość warstw

Riedlentė Spokey SKALLE PRO


Krājumu daudzums:
Available in Supplier store (5+ )
Piegādes nosacījumi:
Piegādāsim cauri 3-7 d.d. DPD (4,90 €)


Skateboard Spokey SKALLE PRO:

  • has polyurethane wheels (PUC) with hardness 92A, which absorb vibrations resulting from moving on uneven surfaces, are resistant to abrasion and allow you to reach high speeds,
  • is equipped with ABEC7 bearings, which are much faster than their lower numbered counterparts. This allows you to reach longboard level speeds,
  • is made of seven layers of a mix of Canadian and Russian maple, which makes it strong and flexible at the same time,
  • has an anti-slip deck, which provides maximum grip, helps maintain a stable position and makes it easier to balance while riding,

Skateboarding enjoys unflagging popularity. This sport is becoming more and more popular and even in smaller towns new skateparks are being built. The key impact is also improved equipment, which move lovers of speed, excitement and dynamic ride. One of them is skateboard Spokey SKALLE PRO created for fast urban and freestyle riding.

Durable and flexible

Skateboard Spokey SKALLE PRO is a choice for years, with which you will forget about broken boards or torn wheels. It is made of a mixture of seven layers of Canadian and Chinese maple, which makes it both durable and flexible. Its deck is covered with non-slip coating, which helps maintain a stable position and better balance, which improves the quality of tricks and makes it easier to control the board during various maneuvers! Black grip tape, or sandpaper is a guarantee of excellent grip. This combination of parameters makes SKALLE PRO the best choice for street riding - it is durable, stable and above all safe.

For high speed lovers

With Spokey SKALLE PRO skateboard you will develop even higher speeds! The use of polyurethane (PU) wheels 52 x 32 mm with 92A hardness and ABEC7 bearings allows for ultra-fast riding. Riding Spokey skateboard you will easily overcome obstacles and differences in height, and you will achieve results similar to longboards. This model is the best choice for a fast and casual ride on sidewalk or asphalt. Polyurethane wheels provide excellent grip and absorb vibrations resulting from moving on uneven surfaces. Moreover, they are extremely durable and resistant to abrasion.

Skating full of passion

If you're wondering what skateboard to choose and you're looking for equipment that will help you develop your skating skills and spend time actively with your friends or family, the SKALLE PRO was made for you! There is nothing which stops you from packing it into your backpack and taking it with you on your vacations. Spokey SKALLE PRO skateboard allows you to reach high speeds, is easy to maneuver and safe at the same time, and with unique graphics - very stylish!

Technical data:

  • material: 7 - layers Canadian maple / Russian maple 
  • wheels: 92A, 52 x 32 mm, PUC 
  • dimensions: 78.7 x 20 cm
  • bearings: ABEC7
  • truck: 5" seagull aluminum 
  • shape: double kick 
  • deck coating: black grip tape 
  • standard: EN 13613
  • maximum load: 100 kg

Par Spokey


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