Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
  • Tikai tiešsaistē
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg
Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg


  • 30 dienu atgriešana
  • Produktam 24 mēnešu garantija
  • Maksājiet, saņemot preces
  • 30 dienu atgriešana
  • Produktam 24 mēnešu garantija
  • Maksājiet, saņemot preces


Ar smiltīm piepildīts vingrojumu maisiņš Spokey SANDI 2 kg

Veiciet pasūtījumu 08h 02m 38s laikā, nosūtīsim jau ŠODIEN!

Krājumu daudzums:
Ir uz vietas, noliktava (1 )
Available in Supplier store (5+ )
Piegādes nosacījumi:
Piegādāsim cauri 1-2 d.d. DPD (4,90 €)


Spokey SANDI exercise bag 2 kg:

  • has handles that facilitate exercise and carrying weights,
  • it is a kind of medicine ball with handles, the use of which at a home gym strengthens muscles, flexibility of the body, affects the overall condition, increases the range of movements and significantly accelerates fat burning,
  • it is a more dynamic replacement for kettlebells or dumbbells of the same weight due to the filling with heavy sand and the way of use, which requires additional stabilization of movement and maintaining balance.

The Spokey SANDI exercise bag is a piece of equipment that everyone should have at their home gym. Exercises with a sandbag allow for even strengthening and shaping the figure by engaging much more deep muscles than when using traditional equipment, such as kettlebells. This is because the bag is filled with heavy sand, which forces you to maintain balance and greater stabilization of movement during training.

A combination of a medicine ball and a kettlebell

Spokey SANDI is a device that works like a medicine ball with handles for easy exercise and carrying. Powerbag requires constant tension from our muscles, so using it brings very quick results. Regular training strengthens muscles, flexibility of the body, affects the overall condition, increases the range of movements and significantly accelerates fat burning and mass development. That is why the Spokey SANDI exercise bag is perfect both for those who start their adventure with the gym and for those who like to squeeze 200% of their muscles!

Home training with passion

Using the Spokey SANDI 2 kg exercise bag is the best way to diversify your strength exercises. It requires more dynamic force than lifting a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell of the same weight.

Technical data:

  • material: nylon, mesh
  • filling: heavy sand
  • weight: 2 kg
  • handles for easy exercise

Par Spokey


Spokey iepazīstina ar sevi:

Kas mēs esam? Komanda, kas sastāv no daudziem indivīdiem, dīvaiņiem, cilvēkiem ar aizraušanos….

Mūsu grupā ietilpst dažādi speciālisti, sākot no galda futbola meistariem līdz pat augstākās klases konstruktoriem.

Mums patīk cilvēki, kuriem ir aizraušanās, tāpēc mūsu komandu atbalsta sporta un ceļošanas eksperti.
Četri no viņiem jau ir kļuvuši par oficiālajiem Spokey zīmola vēstniekiem. Kas viņi tādi ir?


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